
Brand Web Campaign

Hinowa those of the balloons?

The answer is no, but yes.

No in the sense that they do not produce balloons, but platforms and machine arms for lifting.

Yes in the sense that they are the ones with the "advertising balloons". The debate is: there are those who think that if the communication goes off topic doesn’t work, and those who think that if you go off topic to tell something unexpectedly, it works twice. We are among the latter.

Not really, but for sure you remember them

If someone in the phrase Hinowa those of the balloons? sees the danger of believing that the brand produces balloons, we believe that this is a false problem and a real opportunity. Immediately after the balloons, we get a picture of a Hinowa product. A product that, without a far and creative like our balloons, a large percentage of the public would never have noticed.

Achieving the result to be associated with something in a formula as Those of  for a brand of not huge reputation is a valuable result. The achievement of a clear recognition of the product on the market through a new, personal identity.