
copiaincolla UP, e-commerce data analysis

Sound Taste analyzes its own e-commerce with "copiaincolla UP"

The food and beverage manufacturer and distributor chose to analyze its e-commerce through one of the agency's digital consultations. Who visits you? What are your behaviors? Which conclusions do you draw? Clear questions, answers that not always who makes communication is able to find and interpret.

But what's UP?!

UP stands for Users Profiling. A system that identifies and studies the most significant data related to the life of a website. Sound Taste has entrusted that service in search of business online responses. UP analyzes critical business e-commerce data in search of responses. To make it more usable and more rewarding. Who visits the e-commerce? What experience does the site have? Where does it come from and where would you like to go? How could you buy more or better? Who returns to the site and who does not? And for what reasons do they come back or not?

Interesting things about UP

1) shows that a website is a project that can not be considered exhausted with its online submission;

2) shows that the numbers are something objective, but that without proper reading may be muted, or even incorrect.

3) shows that there are no universally useful questions. An apparently negative number may not be a drama, as a positive one can not certify a success.