
Pubblicità Italia quotes copiaincolla and nur project for Sipa (Zoppas Industries)

Talking about:

  • Digital Communication
  • Web Agency
  • Web Site Project
  • User Experience


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copiaincolla is:

  • Advertising Agency - Italy



The communication newspaper writes about us

The reference magazine on the world of advertising and media dedicated a space to the new SIPA's flagship site (Zoppas Industries) recently online after a careful analysis made by the agencies.

A huge amount of content on the PET packaging world put on the web in order to ensure the most intuitive user experience.
The SEO solutions have been applied to the multilingual website, planned shortly in Chinese language too. A web project entirely designed by the creative team and the marketing team, built from the ground up to the last brick to obtain a true digital home.

Welcome to SIPA home. There's not the door, but you can get in from this window.

Want to know more about this project?  Yes, I do!