
copiaincolla's Users Profiling analyzes SoundTaste e-store

Talking about:

  • Communication Agency
  • Data Analytics
  • E-commerce Analysis
  • User Experience


copiaincolla is:

  • Advertising Agency - Italy

Numbers of the e-commerce, wines of SoundTaste

To sell online these wines you must know how to read those numbers. Read, interpret, analyze. We are talking about consumer behavior analysis. We have to get into the user's shoes and understand his browsing experience. The agency chose to do it with UP. Users Profiling is a project that has created and which contains all the functionality of an e-commerce.

An e-commerce such as SoundTaste's. An e-commerce can not stay there alone pretending to sell wines. It needs an invisible wine expert to accompany the user in the virtual wine cellar as a guide in a museum. A guide who propose which wine is the best to choose, who delivers the bottle in his hands, in a few gestures.

We need to understand how, when and why a user abandons the potential purchase. We need to understand what that digital guide did wrongly.