
Self Promo - Everyone talks about them, even a little bird 2010

A little bird that twitters cip cip

Copiaincolla decided to use a little bird to pass the word about its activities and communication services offered by the agency.

We clear up that during the realization of the campaign we didn't mistreated any animal and that the little bird agreed. “A little bird told me that” is an example of one of the first projects of copiaincolla created by the integration of physical objects and viral campaigns (this project is the progenitor of

The series, episode #2

When the birds is abducted by aliens

A box with a twittering little bird

A box sent to acquired clients and potential ones in order to tell about copiaincolla and to show its ability to catch the audience attention like nobody.
When you open the box the urban background outside changes in a domestic background inside.

A surprise to listen and see

The little bird is made of flesh and blood (or rather of plastic) and lays on a windowsill. If you press the button “press here” you can listen the little bird saying “copiaincolla, everybody speaks about that”. The window on the background is the leaflet that shows the project and the job of the company.

The series, episode #5

When the bird falls in love with lady bird

“The incredible adventures of the little bird”, a copiaincolla production

It's a campaign created by 5 comic strips appeared on the national press and 5 animated episodes on youtube.
It's an original self-promo campaign for special receivers: our clients.


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